About Us
IUCN conceived Deplastify, and it was brought to life in collaboration with Searious Business and CE Delft. Funding for Deplastify was generously provided by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Deplastify is a comparative analysis tool. IUCN and Deplastify do not endorse any technology/process/method for the disposal/transformation/elimination of plastic.

Deplastify 1.0 is designed for Small Island Developing States’ (SIDS’) governments and waste management and environmental agencies interested in obtaining insight into state-of-the-art technologies to process non-commercially recyclable plastic in island contexts.
Users must obtain data from IUCN, the World Bank, Baci/ComTrade, Plasteax, or national databases before using the tool. Once data has been obtained, users can fill in the data to benchmark different technologies to manage non-commercially recyclable plastic, based on several criteria.
The processes/technologies data presented in the tool are based on several suppliers and are given in ranges, from the smallest to the largest units. Data represents estimates/averages derived from different process/technologies’ suppliers and therefore, they do not refer to any specific supplier.
The results produced in the report aim to support science and economic-based decisions, to identify which process/technology might be suitable for processing non-commercially recyclable plastics waste on your island.
IUCN is not making any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the results provided.
IUCN shall have no liability resulting from reliance on or any use of the results.